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科学家利用干细胞成功产生内皮层祖细胞 组织替换疗法有望实现
    人胚胎干细胞(embryonic stem cells,ESCs)来源于人类胚胎,而诱导性多功能干细胞(induced pluripotent stem cells, iPSCs)是通过重编程人体细胞,如皮肤细胞或者血细胞而产生的。像ESCs一样,iPSCs能够分化为很多其他类型的人细胞。
    在当前的一项研究中,来自美国费城儿童医院细胞与分子治疗中心的干细胞生物学家Paul J. Gadue博士和同事们利用细胞因子的信号分子操纵ESCs和iPSCs,将它们变成内胚层祖细胞(endodermalprogenitor cell,EPCs)。这些内胚层祖细胞在实验室中拥有几乎无限的生长潜力,在体外培养或者移植到动物时,能够分化为多种细胞类型,其中代表性的细胞是在肝脏、胰腺和肠道中发现的那些细胞。重要的是,未分化的内胚层祖细胞在移植实验中并不形成畸胎瘤。相关研究结果近日发表在美国权威学术期刊《Cell Stem Cell 细胞·干细胞》上。
    Cell Stem Cell. 2012 Apr 6;10(4):371-84. doi: 10.1016/j.stem.2012.02.024.
    Self-renewing endodermal progenitor lines generated from human pluripotent stem cells.
    Cheng X, Ying L, Lu L, Galv?o AM, Mills JA, Lin HC, Kotton DN, Shen SS, Nostro MC, Choi JK, Weiss MJ, French DL, Gadue P.
    SourceDepartment of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA.
    The use of human pluripotent stem cells for laboratory studies and cell-based therapies is hampered by their tumor-forming potential and limited ability to generate pure populations of differentiated cell types in vitro. To address these issues, we established endodermal progenitor (EP) cell linesfrom human embryonic and induced pluripotent stem cells. Optimized growth conditions were established that allow near unlimited (>10(16)) EP cell self-renewal in which they display a morphology and gene expression pattern characteristic of definitive endoderm. Upon manipulation of their culture conditions in vitro or transplantation into mice, clonally derived EP cells differentiate into numerous endodermal lineages, including monohormonal glucose-responsive pancreatic β-cells, hepatocytes, and intestinal epithelia. Importantly, EP cells are nontumorigenic in vivo. Thus, EP cellsrepresent a powerful tool to study endoderm specification and offer a potentially safe source of endodermal-derived tissues for transplantation .