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衰老真的是不可避免的么?是什么使人体内的老化组织更难维持修复,又是什么让人体的老化肌肉逐渐萎缩衰弱?麻省总医院与伦敦大学国王学院的研究人员联手进行了一项新研究,分析了在衰老过程中受损肌肉修复的潜在机制,并发现改变肌肉干细胞所处的环境可以使老化的组织返老还童。这项研究近日发表在英国权威杂志《Nature 自然》杂志上。
      文章的资深作者,麻省总医院再生医学中心的Andrew Brack博士说,“就像运动员需要在训练日程中加入恢复时间一样,干细胞也需要修生养息,而我们发现老化的干细胞休息得更少。”
      研究人员在一系列的小鼠实验中发现,在老化的肌肉干细胞所处的微环境中,成纤维生长因子FGF2的水平升高,唤醒了休眠状态的干细胞。在老化的卫星细胞或者细胞微环境中阻断与衰老相关的FGF信号能够保护干细胞免受损失,在衰老过程中维持干细胞的更新能力,并显著提升老化肌肉组织的自我修复能力。文章的第一作者Joe Chakkalakal博士说,“这一研究显示,靶标老化的干细胞或者其微环境可以保护干细胞和相应组织免受衰老的影响。”
Nature. 2012 Oct 18;490(7420):355-60. doi: 10.1038/nature11438. Epub 2012 Sep 26.
The aged niche disrupts muscle stem cell quiescence.
Chakkalakal JV, Jones KM, Basson MA, Brack AS.
Center of Regenerative Medicine, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts 02114, USA.
The niche is a conserved regulator of stem cell quiescence and function. During ageing, stem cell function declines. To what extent and by what means age-related changes within the niche contribute to this phenomenon are unknown. Here we demonstrate that the aged muscle stem cell niche, the muscle fibre, expresses Fgf2 under homeostatic conditions, driving a subset of satellite cells to break quiescence and lose their self-renewing capacity. We show in mice that relatively dormantaged satellite cells robustly express sprouty?1 (Spry1), an inhibitor of fibroblast growth factor (FGF) signalling. Increasing FGF signalling in aged satellite cells under homeostatic conditions by removing Spry1 results in the loss of quiescence, satellitecell depletion and diminished regenerative capacity. Conversely, reducing niche-derived FGF activity through inhibition of Fgfr1 signalling or overexpression of Spry1 in satellite cells prevents their depletion. These experiments identify an age-dependent change in the stem cell niche that directly influences stem cell quiescence and function.