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揭示干细胞再生指甲机制 截肢患者将受益于肢体再生疗法
    哺乳动物拥有强大地再生丢失的指尖(包括指甲、指甲下方的神经和骨)的能力。在人类中,切断的指尖能够在短短两个月的时间内长回来,但是迄今为止这种现象仍然是个谜。在一项新的研究中,来自美国纽约大学兰贡医学中心的研究人员揭示了哺乳动物体内的这种罕见的再生能力:利用转基因小鼠首次记录指尖切断后发生的一连串生化事件。相关研究结果近日发表在英国着名期刊《Nature 自然》上,论文标题为“Wnt activation in nail epitheliumcouples nail growth to digit regeneration”。
    论文通信作者Mayumi Ito博士说,“每个人都知道指尖持续生长,但是没有人真正知道其中的原因是什么。”人们也对指甲生长和指甲下面的骨和组织再生能力之间的关联性知之甚少。如今,Ito博士和同事们发现关于这个过程的一个重要线索:指甲基质(nail matrix)中的一群自我更新的干细胞。指甲床(nail bed)富含神经末端和促进指甲生长的血管,而指甲基质就是指甲床的一部分。再者,他们发现这些干细胞依赖于一种被称作Wnt信号网络(Wnt signaling network)的蛋白家族来再生指尖中的骨,其中Wnt信号网络在头发和组织再生中发挥着至关重要的作用。
    Nature. 2013 Jul 11;499(7457):228-32. doi: 10.1038/nature12214. Epub 2013 Jun 12.
    Wnt activation in nail epithelium couples nail growth to digit regeneration.
    Takeo M, Chou WC, Sun Q, Lee W, Rabbani P, Loomis C, Taketo MM, Ito M.
    SourceThe Ronald O. Perelman Department of Dermatology, New York University, School of Medicine, New York, New York 10016, USA.
    The tips of mammalian digits can regenerate after amputation, like those of amphibians. It is unknown why this capacity is limited to the area associated with the nail. Here we show that nail stem cells (NSCs) reside in the proximal nail matrix and that the mechanisms governing NSC differentiation are coupled directly with their ability to orchestrate digit regeneration. Early nail progenitors undergo Wnt-dependent differentiation into the nail. After amputation, this Wnt activation is required for nail regeneration and also for attracting nerves that promote mesenchymal blastemagrowth, leading to the regeneration of the digit. Amputations proximal to the Wnt-active nail progenitors result in failure to regenerate the nail or digit. Nevertheless, β-catenin stabilization in the NSC region induced their regeneration. These results establish a link between NSC differentiation and digitregeneration, and suggest that NSCs may have the potential to contribute to the development of novel treatments for amputees.