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    在一项新的研究中,研究人员发现脐带血中的一种特殊的干细胞天生就能够迁移到肠道并促进那里的细胞数量增加。这一发现提示着这种干细胞有潜力治疗炎症性肠病(inflammatory bowel disease, IBD)。相关研究结果近日发表在美国权威学术期刊《肝病学 Hepatology》上。
    论文作者、美国维克森林大学浸礼会医学中心再生医学研究所( Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center's Institute for Regenerative Medicine)教授Graca Almeida-Porada博士说,"这些干细胞参与血管形成,而且证实它可能能够被用来改善在炎症性肠病病人体内发现的血管异常。" 炎症性肠病的两个特征就是经常性腹泻和腹痛。它实际上就相当于两种疾病---溃疡性结肠炎(ulcerative colitis)和克罗恩氏病(Crohn's disease)。在炎症性肠病中,肠道变得红肿,并患上溃疡,同时肠道中的血管泄漏而导致炎症产生。在这项研究中,还研究了一种特殊的内皮集落形成细胞(endothelial colony-formingcell)群体。这些细胞是在脐带血、骨髓和循环血液中发现的,能够不仅在胚胎中而且也能在成人体内促进血管形成。对人的研究已证实这些细胞能够改善四肢中的血流量减少,因而还能够用于心脏病治疗。
    Hepatology. 2012 Sep;56(3):1086-96.
    Distinct contribution of human cord blood-derived endothelial colony forming cells to liver and gut in a fetal sheepmodel.
    Wood JA, Colletti E, Mead LE, Ingram D,Porada CD, Zanjani ED, Yoder MC, Almeida-Porada G.
    Department of Animal Biotechnology, University of Nevada, Reno, NV, USA.
    Although the vasculogenic potential of circulating and cord blood (CB)-derived endothelial colony-forming cells (ECFC) has been demonstrated in vitro and in vivo, little is known about the inherent biologic ability of these cells to home to different organs and contribute to tissue-specific cell populations. Here we used a fetal sheep model of in utero transplantation to investigate and compare the intrinsic ability of human CB-derived ECFC to migrate to the liver and to the intestine, and to define ECFC's intrinsic ability to integrate and contribute to the cytoarchitecture of these same organs. ECFCs were transplanted by an intraperitoneal or intrahepatic route (IH) into fetal sheep at concentrations ranging from 1.1-2.6 × 10(6)cells/fetus. Recipients were evaluated at 85 days posttransplant for donor (human) cells using flow cytometry and confocal microscopy. We found that, regardless of the route of injection, and despite the IH delivery of ECFC, the overall liver engraftment was low, but a significant percentage ofcells were located in the perivascular regions and retained the expression of hallmark endothelial makers. By contrast, ECFC migrated preferentially to the intestinal crypt region and contributed significantly to the myofibroblast population. Furthermore, ECFC expressing CD133 and CD117 lodged in areas where endogenous cells expressed those same phenotypes.
    ECFC inherently constitute a potential source of cells for the treatment of intestinal diseases, but strategies to increase the numbers of ECFC persisting within the hepatic parenchyma are needed in order to enhance ECFC therapeutic potential for this organ.