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    伦敦大学的科学家使用实验鼠的胚胎干细胞,在人造视网膜帮助下,不仅在实验室培育出了眼部的感光细胞,而且将其移植进失明老鼠的眼部后让老鼠“重见光明”。这项刊登在英国权威杂志《Nature Biotechnology 自然·生物技术》上的最新研究,标志着人们向使用干细胞治疗失明又近了一步。
    随后,他们将大约 20 万个人造视杆细胞移植进患夜盲症的老鼠视网膜内,这些老鼠的视网膜内缺乏这种可以在低光环境下提供视力的视杆细胞,结果新细胞完全同复杂的视网膜组织结合在一起。
    此项最新研究的突破在于证明可以将由胚胎干细胞获得的感光细胞植入成年老鼠眼部, 这一研究为人类临床试验奠定了基础,有望使成千上万名由于丧失感光细胞而罹患退行性眼病的患者重见光明。
    Nat Biotechnol. 2013 Aug;31(8):741-7. doi: 10.1038/nbt.2643. Epub 2013 Jul 21.
    Photoreceptor precursors derived from three-dimensional embryonic stem cell cultures integrate and maturewithin adult degenerate retina.
    Gonzalez-Cordero A, West EL, Pearson RA, Duran Y, Carvalho LS, Chu CJ, Naeem A, Blackford SJ, Georgiadis A, Lakowski J, Hubank M, Smith AJ, Bainbridge JW, Sowden JC, Ali RR.
    SourceDepartment of Genetics, UCL Institute of Ophthalmology, London, UK.
    Irreversible blindness caused by loss of photoreceptors may be amenable to cell therapy. We previously demonstrated retinal repair and restoration of vision through transplantation of photoreceptor precursors obtained from postnatal retinas into visually impaired adult mice. Considerable progress has been made in differentiating embryonic stem cells (ESCs) in vitro toward photoreceptor lineages. However, the capability of ESC-derivedphotoreceptors to integrate after transplantation has not been demonstrated unequivocally. Here, to isolate photoreceptor precursors fit for transplantation, we adapted a recently reported three-dimensional (3D) differentiation protocol that generates neuroretina from mouse ESCs. We show that rod precursors derived by this protocol and selected via a GFP reporter under the control of a Rhodopsin promoter integrate within degenerateretinas of adult mice and mature into outer segment-bearing photoreceptors. Notably, ESC-derived precursors at a developmental stage similar to postnatal days 4-8 integrate more efficiently compared with cells at other stages. This study shows conclusively that ESCs can provide a source of photoreceptors for retinal cell transplantation.