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    阴道分娩有可能让妈妈遭受能够导致压力性尿失禁(stress urinary incontinence,SUI)的损伤。这种症状可影响到4%~35%的通过阴道分娩生下婴儿的女性。很多诸如物理疗法和外科手术之类的当前疗法并不是很有效。
    在一项新的研究中,为了寻找缓解SUI的更好方法,研究人员利用模拟分娩损伤的实验室雌性大鼠模式动物开展研究:他们让这些大鼠接受间充质干细胞(mesenchymal stem cells,MSCs)注射以便观察间充质干细胞是否能够归巢和是否有助修复受损的骨盆器官。相关研究结果于2013年7月17日发表在美国权威学术期刊《Cell Transplantation 细胞移植》上。
    论文通信作者Margot S. Damaser博士说,“基于干细胞的疗法最近作为一种治疗SUI的大有希望的方法引起人们关注。干细胞疗法可能比当前的其他疗法更加可行和更没有侵袭性。”
    Cell Transplant. 2013 Jul 17. [Epub ahead of print]
    Rat mesenchymal stem cell secretome promotes elastogenesis and facilitates recovery from simulated childbirth injury.
    Dissaranan C, Cruz MA, Kiedrowski MJ, Balog BM, Gill BC, Penn MS, Goldman HB, Damaser MS.
    PURPOSE:Vaginal delivery is a risk factor for stress urinary incontinence (SUI). Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) home to injured organs and can facilitate repair. The goal of this study was to determine if MSCs home to pelvic organs after simulated childbirth injury and facilitate recovery from SUI via paracrine factors.MATERIALS and METHODS: Three experiments were performed. Eighteen female rats received vaginal distension (VD) or sham VD and labeled intravenous (IV) MSCs to investigate if MSCs home to pelvic organs. Whole-organ imaging and immunofluorescence were performed 1 week later. Thirty-four female rats received VD and IV MSCs, VD and IV saline, or sham VD and IV saline to investigate if MSCs accelerate recovery of continence. Twenty-nine female rats received VD and periurethral concentrated conditioned media (CCM), VD and periurethral control media, or sham VD and periurethral control media to investigate if factors secreted by MSCs accelerate recovery from VD. Urethral histology and function were assessed 1 week later.RESULTS: Significantly more MSCs were observed in the urethra, vagina, and spleen after VD compared to sham VD. Continence as measured by leak point pressure (LPP), was significantly reduced after VD in rats treated with saline or control media compared to sham VD but not in those given MSCs or CCM. External urethral sphincter function as measured by electromyography (EMG), was not improved with MSCs or CCM. Rats treated with MSCs or CCM demonstrated an increase in elastin fibers near the EUS and urethral smooth muscle more similar to that of sham injured animals than rats treated with saline or control media.CONCLUSIONS: MSCs home to the urethra and vagina and facilitate recovery of continence most likely via secretion of paracrine factors. Both MSCs and CCM have promise as novel noninvasive therapies for SUI.