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    京都大学人类诱导性多能干细胞研究所和东京大学等的研究小组日前宣布,他们利用能够发育成各种细胞和组织的人类诱导性多能干细胞(iPS细胞),培育出了红系祖细胞,接着大量制备出红细胞。相关研究结果已经刊登在2013年12月5日出版的美国着名科学杂志《Stem cell reports 干细胞报告》。由于红系祖细胞几乎可以无限增殖,因此此次开发的方法将有助于实现红细胞的稳定供应。
    Immortalization of Erythroblasts by c-MYC and BCL-XLEnables Large-Scale Erythrocyte Production from Human Pluripotent Stem CellsStem Cell Reports, 05 December 2013
    Sho-ichi Hirose,Naoya Takayama,Sou Nakamura,Kazumichi Nagasawa,Kiyosumi Ochi,Shinji Hirata,Satoshi Yamazaki,Tomoyuki Yamaguchi,Makoto Otsu,Shinya Sano,Nobuyasu Takahashi,Akira Sawaguchi,Mamoru Ito,Takashi Kato,Hiromitsu Nakauchi,Koji EtoHighlights
    Immortalized-type erythroblasts are established by overexpression of c-MYC and BCL-XLAfter genes are turned off, imERYPCs differentiate into mature erythroblasts in vitroImERYPC-derived mature cells show oxygen delivery capability similar to normal RBCsEnucleated cells reveal circulation potential in immune-deficient miceSummary
    The lack of knowledge about the mechanism of erythrocyte biogenesis through self-replication makes the in vitro generation of large quantities of cells difficult. We show that transduction of c-MYC and BCL-XL into multipotent hematopoietic progenitor cells derived from pluripotent stem cells and gene overexpression enable sustained exponential self-replication of glycophorin A+ erythroblasts, which we term immortalized erythrocyte progenitor cells (imERYPCs). In an inducible expression system, turning off the overexpression of c-MYC and BCL-XL enabled imERYPCs to mature with chromatin condensation and reduced cell size, hemoglobin synthesis, downregulation of GCN5, upregulation of GATA1, and endogenous BCL-XL and RAF1, all of which appeared to recapitulate normal erythropoiesis. imERYPCs mostly displayed fetal-type hemoglobin and normal oxygen dissociation in vitro and circulation in immunodeficient mice following transfusion. Using critical factors to induce imERYPCs provides a model of erythrocyte biogenesis that could potentially contribute to a stable supply of erythrocytes for donor-independent transfusion.